Monday, June 28, 2010


Maxwell at Madison Square Garden



Teach for America in Philadelphia after Maxwell Concert at Madsion Square Garden


I am in Philadelphia....and its Pheelin good

Due to my recent transition, I have not made time to update my blog but too all who reads this: I made it and I really like it here. I met some cool fellow Corps Members who will be fighting for equality with me in Camden. We are a small group so we can get to know each other easy. I am also happy I have my uncle here to be there for me when needed. This is my first time living on my own and I have no friends here so I have to start from scratch. I miss my crew but I'm excited for my new journey

We started our training sessions here in a part of the welcoming process called induction where we are learning about the city, the TfA way and getting some classroom management ideas. One of the main goals of induction is to make sure we create a culture of progress that is constant throughout TfA. One of the keys is respect and humility. I have been struggling with that. I need to remember that I am not always right and that others are not wrong just because their views are not my views. I am hard headed and I can see how it is effecting my communication. I am going to get over it.

Everyone I am meeting is great...i'm ready for this ride

Thursday, June 3, 2010

I will be teaching at Camden Promise!!

I will be (more than likely) the 9th grade mathematics teacher at Camden Promise Charter school (Click here for more info). I am excited because the school is really great and growing and has a great network. I hope to add my creativity to the math department there. I might also teach a Black women's writers class for a upperclassman elective. YAYAY! I can't wait but I know it will be tough but I got people praying for me so I got a Higher Power on my side.

Also I made a goal. December 21, 2010...I will be a beast. BEAST! Look for pictures...or my cameo in the next Drake video.

Flava Flav said it best...YA BOOOOOIII!!!!

Visited my New City!!

It has been choosen! I will be living and teaching in Camden, New Jersey for the next two years. I am not sure what school yet but I received job offers from two of the best schools in New Jersey: Camden Promise and LEAP Academy . Both schools have great staff, students, networks and love for education. I am excited but I realize these are the only two beacons of hope I saw in Camden. Example:

This is a city after the 1967 Riots that sparked in many African-American cities after MLK's death

This is Camden now

Not much has changed in this city after the riots it seems. The city is known for corrupt mayors, high violent crime rates, auto theft and drug abuse. It is a city that needs hope and change just like Detroit, Chicago, Kansas City..and soon Minneapolis if we don't clean up our act.

The hope and change we are looking for is in our CHILDREN thus we as a community MUST invest in them. After visiting these schools, my faith for change and in love and Education and God has been renewed. All we need is dedication. The same students that come from this neighborhood are attending Camden Pride and LEAP and 90% of Camden students and 100% of LEAP students are in or going to college. They are beating low expectations and I am so proud to be apart of their progress. I just hope I can be a good mathematics teacher that helps these youth think critcally about their world and can use the math skills I help instill in them along with their creativity and HUSTLE to change this world. We need advocates from Camden, Detroit, Chicago, etc to sit at board tables and be the voice for the hood and hopefully end the mass injustice in this world...hopefully. But I am becoming more ready for this challenge..even though my daddy is scared about me leaving....and everyone else. I got this! God is on my side!

On a low note...I really must start workin out...I went to Philly and threw down on them Cheese steaks...YUM!